Her Centre, a women’s advice service working in Greenwich, provides advocacy for women who have experienced domestic/sexual violence, working within our existing accredited domestic abuse service.
We are seeking applicants for two new posts – a full-time experienced Young Women and Girls Domestic Abuse Advocate and a full-time Complex Needs Domestic and Sexual Abuse Advocate. Salary is £33,932 per year for 35 hours a week for both posts and both posts are permanent.
The Housing IDVA, maternity cover post is for 6 months from mid-September to mid-March but may be extended. Salary for 6 months is £16,966.
The Closing date for applications is 11th August Midnight, with interviews in the week of 12th of August. For an application pack please contact Reshma at reshma@hercentre.org, and please state which post you are applying for.
The Young Women’s Advocate is Funded by the Royal Borough of Greenwich, and the Complex Needs Advocate is by City Bridge Trust.
Due to the intensive and sensitive support involved in these posts, the posts are open to Women Only. Section 7(2)e of the Sex Discrimination Act exemption applies. Her Centre is a registered charity, no. 1070755.