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Refer a woman to Her Centre:

Referrals are open to GPs for patients, for teenage girls experiencing abuse, for any women experiencing sexual violence and stalking. All other referrals must be through the Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) which are high-risk referrals. You can approach the DV helpline (020 8317 8273) or our One Stop shops on Wednesdays and Fridays (see flyer, for details)

To refer a woman to any of our below support services, please complete the Referral Form for Greenwich Borough, and GP Referral Form, for GPs to refer victims of abuse (Open it on Internet Explorer).

Complete and email it back to info@hercentre.org or call 0203 260 7772 for more information.

Support to women experiencing domestic abuse:

Independent Domestic Violence Advocates (IDVA), who provide

  • Practical and Emotional Support,
  • Criminal Court Attendance,
  • Civil Protection Orders,
  • Help moving into a Refuge,
  • Signposting to Debt, Benefits, and Housing Advice.

Our IDVAs can also visit community groups or team meetings to provide more information about our services.

Young Women’s Advocate:

Our young persons service includes a Young IDVA, who provides

  • One-to-one sessions for 13 to 19 year old girls who have experienced abuse at school, from a boyfriend, or from an adult.
  • Her work includes support to girls who have been abused through social media.

For more information or to make a referral contact info@hercentre.org.

Safer Streets –  Stalking and sexual abuse Advocate, Training and Embrace:

Her Centre recently secured funds to run a two-year Safer Streets programme for women who experience abuse from strangers and acquaintances. Our Advocate will take referrals from police, other statutory and voluntary sector organisations and directly from women who have experienced abuse and/or stalking, as long as they live, work or study in Royal borough of Greenwich. Please refer to info@hercentre.org or for more information, ring 0203 260 7772.

Our Active Bystander training programme trains up people to respond when they see sexual harassment in public places. The programmes cover how to support someone experiencing harassment, when it is safe to directly challenge the perpetrators, and what you can do if you are a victim to get others to help you. We run 3 courses, one for women, one for men and then a 3 session Ambassador programme for professionals who can share the practice across their agencies.

In partnership with Little Fish Theatre we will also run 4 sessions at 2 youth centres of the Embrace workshops. These work with boys who may show behaviour that lacks respect towards girls and helps them to recognise why treating girls better is also better for them. The workshops use drama role playing to give a safe space for boys to explore the impact of harassment and abuse on others.

Watch out here for dates for our training and for the Embrace workshops.

Housing IDVA

Based in Greenwich council housing, the Housing IDVA provides,

  • Access to refuge spaces or temporary housing
  • Advice and support on civil protection orders
  • Referrals to sanctuary scheme to make home safe
  • Referrals to ongoing support

Children’s IDVA

This post works with referrals from Children’s Social Services to ensure that children stay safe and have their voice heard.

Please Note: All Women Welcome – Lesbian, Straight, Bi-Sexual, and Trans.

Men Experiencing Abuse can Contact Respect at – https://www.respect.org.uk/

One-Stop-Shop at Clockhouse Community Centre

(Her Centre OSS Flyer) (Women Only)

Providing drop-in advice on domestic abuse and family law, open every Friday from 10 am to 12 pm at Clockhouse Community Centre – SE18 5QL, with a solicitor and IDVA giving advice.

Clients can meet with a Family Solicitor and IDVA (Independent Domestic Violence Advocate) who can support the client regarding the abuse. The Family Solicitor can provide information and advice on domestic abuse, legal options, and family matters, (divorce & finance and children matters).

For any further information, please call 0203 260 7772 for DV Advice or / info@hercentre.org

For Legal Advice: Hudgell & Partners part of GT Stewart Solicitors, on 0208 854 1331 / as@hudgellpartners.co.uk

If you are already a client of Hudgell & Partners Solicitors, do not attend the One Stop Shop, contact Hudgell’s directly to arrange an appointment.

PLEASE NOTE: There is NO One Stop Shop at the Clockhouse Community Centre, Woolwich Location from 26th July 2024 to 30th August 2024. It will reopen on 6th September 2024.


One-Stop-Shop at Eltham St. Mary’s Community Centre

(Her Centre OSS Flyer) (Women Only)

Providing drop-in advice on domestic abuse and family law, open every Wednesday from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon at St. Mary’s Eltham Community Centre,  SE9 1BJ, with a solicitor and IDVA giving advice.

For further information, please ring 0203 260 7772 for DV Advice or email, info@hercentre.org

PLEASE NOTE: There is NO One Stop Shop at the Eltham St. Mary’s Community Centre, from 31st July 2024 to 28th August 2024. It will reopen on 4th September 2024.


One-Stop-Shop at Thamesmead Moorings Sociable Club

(Her Centre OSS Flyer) (Women Only)

Providing drop-in advice on domestic abuse and family law, open every Wednesday from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm at Thamesmead Moorings Sociable Club,  Arnott Close – SE28 8BG, with a solicitor and IDVA giving advice.

For further information, please ring 0203 260 7772 for DV Advice or / info@hercentre.org

PLEASE NOTE: There is NO One Stop Shop at the Eltham St. Mary’s Community Centre, from 31st July 2024 to 28th August 2024. It will reopen on 4th September 2024.

For urgent advice call, please call: the Greenwich DV helpline on 0208 317 8273

Please do not attend if you have any of the COVID-19 symptoms.

Support to women experiencing sexual abuse:

Independent Sexual Advice Advocate (IDSVA), who can

  • Provide support and practical help with police and court as needed.
  • Address home safety and safer housing as well as other practical issues.
  • Provide a motivational support group for women, particularly when waiting for court dates
  • Refer to counselling, for one-to-one therapy. (This service is for Her Centre clients only, who have been supported by Her Centre IDSVA)
  • Refer to our Young IDVAs who also addresses issues of sexting and the unhealthy sexual expectations that many young women face from boys in their schools.

Outreach and Development Support

Outreach and Development Coordinator

Providing women’s social group, training courses including basic English and IT, and back-to-work support and access to Women’s Community Groups.

Engagement events and classes: (See Training)

Her Centre also runs Basic English classes for women only, good for women with little or no English, a good preparation for more formal English classes and an effective way to meet women and learn about local services for women. See our News and Events page for next classes.

Regular open forums on issues that impact on women, open to the public, with speakers, workshops and food. See our News and Events page for next forum.

Feedback to Her Centre:

If you would like to give us your feedback on IDVA team or make a Complaint, please click on the words and this will link you to forms to send in. Please send to stacy@hercentre.org.

Zero Tolerance:

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About us

Her Centre is a small local women’s charity based in Greenwich, providing services to women and girls in Greenwich.

Our vision is to eradicate violence against women and girls.

Our mission statement is to engage, enable and empower women to move away from abuse, and to move forward with their lives.

Her centre is a women-focused, woman led organisation. We believe that domestic and sexual abuse must be tackled both by empowering women and acknowledging the societal inequality that perpetuates and legitimises violence. We are resilient and inspire resilience in the women we support. Her Centre is a safe place where women can be listened to and believed in an environment of trust and respect.

Her Centre works with over 1000 women a year.

In the last year ending in March 2023, we engaged 856 women who experienced domestic or sexual abuse, providing safety planning, legal support, and help with accessing emergency housing and with practical issues such as money and immigration.

103 took up our counselling & support group service to address the trauma of abuse.

119 attended our basic English classes that are free, and for women only, so feel safe.

60 women and men attended our 2 annual open forums, themed on;

  • Women with Disabilities-Leaving trouble behind
  • Cost of Living Crisis: What you need to know

We held two training and information days to link women into courses with 74 attending.

We also held a holiday celebration in December for 107 women and children.

From our exit surveys of women who have experienced abuse based on those from April 2022 to March 2023.

  • 89% said their risk had reduced
  • 93% felt safer
  • 95% know their rights, and where to get help again if they need it.

Her Centre has received SAFE LIVES (formerly CAADA) accreditation as a quality IDVA service, and is committed to training all our IDVA staff in a formal IDVA/ISVA qualification.

We have renewed Safe Lives until 2025.

We are holding Investors in People.

We work enthusiastically in partnership with a large number of Greenwich-based agencies to ensure women receive the most appropriate local support they require.

One-Stop Shop:

We lead the weekly One Stop Shop for women experiencing domestic abuse alongside Solicitors from Hudgell & Partners & National Legal Service. For more information click below.

All Women Welcome – Lesbian, Straight, Bi-Sexual, and Trans. (General Flyer)

Men Experiencing Abuse can Contact Respect at – https://www.respect.org.uk/

Young People’s Project:

Young People’s project targeting relationship abuse supports 13-19-year-old girls. For more information about the project, please email info@hercentre.org.

A short video on our Young Girls Project, which supports young people in healthy relationships.

Her Centre User Steering Group:

The user steering group is open to all the Her Centre service users and to any women in Greenwich who have experienced abuse and want to influence local services.

Our meetings are a mix of speakers that we can question about how they support women (such as police borough commander, director of children’s social services) and debates on issues that affect women such as child contact, challenging harassment, and building a career.

Meetings also consult and review feedback on services in the borough run by Her Centre and Greenwich DVA.

Steering group meetings every other month on a Monday at 12 pm. Contact Stacy Smith for details

If you are interested in joining our steering group please contact Stacy Smith at, stacy@hercentre.org.


Our training is supported by Greenwich Local Labour and Business, MOSA, City Lit, and Social Action for Health.


Providing drop-in advice on domestic abuse and family law, open every Friday and Wednesday from 10 am to 12 pm, with a solicitor and IDVA giving advice.

See our One Stop Shop, for more information.

Greenwich Equalities Forum:

We are part of the Greenwich Equalities Forum with Metro Centre (for the LGBT community), MARAC & Steering Group, Greenwich Association of the Disabled, AgeUK Bromley and Greenwich, and Greenwich Inclusion Project (GRIP).


We are members of the Multi Agency Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG) Forum, VAWG Strategic Board, Greenwich Community Advice Network, Child Safeguarding Prevention Group, the Greenwich Homelessness Forum and Greenwich Action for Voluntary Service (GAVS) forums.

Met Police Community Safety Unit:

Additionally, we work closely with the Met Police Community Safety Unit, the SCD2 Unit, The Point, Best Beginnings, Stephen Lawrence Centre, Volunteer Centre Greenwich, Greenwich Housing Rights, Family Information Service, Meridian Money Advice, Greenwich Credit Union, Woolwich CAB, Plumstead Law Centre, Greenwich Health Visitors, Mind in Greenwich, Greenwich PCT, Advocacy in Greenwich, CAMHS, Oxleas, and Rt. Hon. Matthew Pennycook MP and Rt. Hon. Teresa Pearce MP.

Her Centre has a small staff team and a board of volunteer trustees.

Here is a link to our latest accounts.