For more information please see our most recent Newsletter and find us on Facebook and Twitter.

We are a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee. As such, we are managed by a Board of Trustees, hold Annual General Meetings (AGMs), and produce an Annual Review and Annual Accounts that are public documents.

For hard copies of our Annual Accounts or Annual Review, or to enquire about our next AGM, please email us at info@hercentre.org

A Clip from Her Centre’s IWD Event 2024! 

A Video Clip from Cllr. Odette McGahey







Big Give Women & Girls Match Funding! 

Helping Young People Understand Relationships – Her Centre’s Fundraising Campaign

Her Centre supports women and girls in need. We want to support girls 13 to 19 years old who have experienced abuse. We will provide one-to-one support to be safe, recover their self-esteem, understand consent, and what makes a healthy relationship. We will also provide learning in schools.

Her Centre’s Big Give Campaign

Unite Activism 365 Days! #AgainistGenderBasedAbuse:

16 days is not enough to highlight the scary statistic of violence against women. It’s time to get rid of this & take a stand & say enough is enough. We can all be part of the change we need to experience by calling out Gender-Based Abuse when we see it!

Unite Activism 365 Days


Her Centre’s Director Stacy Smith and Voluntary Worker Claire Platt were both interviewed by Greenwich Television and discussed about Her Centre’s services.

Watch how two friends try to plant the seed:

Young people’s relationships can be intense and love can sometimes be confused with control. #FriendsCanTell and they play an important role in opening their friends’ eyes.

Links: FriendsCanTellYourBest Friend, Click here to download the pack

The #FriendsCanTell campaign is asking young women, girls, and non-binary people to start a conversation about relationships and de-normalise the controlling behaviours that hundreds of young people say are so common in their social circles that they are considered normal.


This animation contains scenes of emotional and sexual violence


MOSAC guidance on protecting children from abusive parents:

A film about coercive control

MOSAC – Protecting Children from Abusive Parents



Here is a great short film that Little Fish did with some helpful young people on healthy relationships and what they think!

Video on New Leaf Project which supports young people in a healthy relationship

Podcasts coming soon!