her centre target sm

How to donate to Her Centre:

£5 will support a woman to learn English, improving self reliance, reducing isolation and building friendships.

£10 will support a woman to attend our motivational group, building confidence and enabling her to move out of an abusive relationship.

£20 will cover costs for an emergency phone for an abused woman whose phone is police evidence.

£30 will fund a woman to have a one to one therapy session with a qualified trauma counsellor.

£40 will fund a risk assessment and an in depth safety plan for a woman who has experienced domestic or sexual violence.

£50 will fund support to a young woman or girl through up to 4 one to one awareness sessions on domestic abuse and sexual exploitation.

£100 will fund support for a woman experiencing abuse to go through the court system, 7 hours of safety planning and move on work for women experiencing domestic abuse, or a day working in the police station, providing support to women who report being raped or assaulted.


We greatly appreciate donations from individuals to help us continue our work as the HER Centre supports women in crisis, who need advice and support, or seeking to learn and grow with other women.

Make a positive change to their lives and help us continue our work.

Please click the image below to visit our Localgiving Page


How to sponsor Her Centre:

You can donate any amount via a secure online payment at Localgiving.


We are generously funded by a variety of funders, including:

  • Royal Borough of Greenwich, funds our Domestic and Sexual Violence Advocacy Service, our Children’s IDVA, our Equalities work, and our Health IDSVA.
  • Henry Smith Charity, fund our Sexual Violence Worker.
  • City Bridge Trust, who fund our work placement programme.
  • Charles Hayward, funds our weekly drop-in advice work now extended with additional funding from Peabody Trust to 3 new outreach locations.
  • Donations from schools, events, and our generous donors.
  • Lloyds who contribute to our core costs.
  • Brook Trust, who funds our Young IDSVA.
  • National Lottery, who funds our ESOL.
  • Sara Charlton’s donation towards our general costs.
  • Goldsmiths Company Charity who also contributes to general costs.
  • Dept of Levelling up Housing and Communities for Housing IDVA.