Forced Marriage

Forced Marriage: This one day course is designed by the Home Office and delivered by an authorised trainer. The course is aimed at professionals who encounter children and adults who are at risk of forced marriage. The course covers the legal framework within which the practice of Forced Marriage sits, and what is available for…

Young Women and Relationship Abuse

Young Women and Relationship Abuse: A half day training aimed at youth workers, teachers, social workers and any professionals who come into contact with young women. The training is part of the New Leaf Young Persons’ project which aims to prevent and support young people who are victims of sexual exploitation and domestic abuse within…

Sexual Violence Awareness

Sexual Violence Awareness: This one day course is aimed at professionals who wish to gain information and practical skills when assisting those who have disclosed rape and/or sexual abuse in adulthood. The course recognises sexual abuse experienced by children and young people but the main learning objectives for this course predominantly address adult experiences. The…

Domestic Abuse Awareness:

Domestic Abuse Awareness: This one day course aimed at domestic abuse professionals and those who work with the public, particularly young people and vulnerable adults, within a health and social care framework. This course is particularly helpful to professionals who wish to gain awareness around the psychology of domestic abuse, statutory and voluntary responses to…

Her Centre Parenting Programme

Her Centre Parenting Programme – Women only – this course supports women to gain and develop  a better understanding of parenting. The 10 week course helps mothers/carers to create positive relationships with children, and to address challenging behaviours. The course is based on the Mental Health Trust Non-Violent Resistance model and allows mothers/carers to share their…

Butterfly Programme

Butterfly Programme – Domestic Abuse Awareness for Victims – this is a programme of 10 sessions for women who want to learn and understand about the nature of domestic abuse. The programme helps women to come to terms with the effects of domestic abuse and to recognise signs of abuse in subsequent relationships. The programme covers…

New Benefits Drop-in Service at Clockhouse Community Centre

New Benefits Drop-in Service at Clockhouse Community Centre: Clockhouse Community Centre, working with the Her Centre, CAB, Greenwich Housing Rights, Lewisham Refugee Network, Greenwich CDA and Advocacy now are running a weekly benefits advice drop in hub for those struggling with Universal Credit claims or who have rent arrears of payment issues with Universal Credit. For more info…